Let me explain; it is rather amusing...
This morning, I sat at the computer with the leftovers from last night - Cheesy mash and peas. We had it with fish, but I love it just as much on it‘s own. Anyhoo, I digress.
As I sat shovelling said banquet into my face, I caught sight of the black frayed ends of my jumper sleeve through the bottom of the Tupperware container. Believing this to be a spider in my food, I screamed and threw the container up in the air, diving out of my chair and down onto my bum.
Classic. I knew the moment the food left my hand what I had really seen, but by then it was too late; the wheels were in motion... and so too was I. I’ve laughed considerably since, and though it worth sharing; especially when my mate Steve and I decided that I’d “Peed on my keyboard”...
The offending "SpiderSleeve"