chilekat's latest photos on Grows on You, where garden ideas are shared.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Dr Who Scarf

I've started a Dr Who scarf for my mate Phil who recently moved from England to Canada. I was amazed to find a website dedicated to the scarf, offering free patterns for each of the various scarf monstrosities that adorned Mr Baker during his time as the doctor:

Apparently, The original scarf, last worn by Tom in 'Shada', was auctioned off in 2005. The winner was a porcelain collector from Long Island, New York, called Richard Cohen. So there.. I bet you would have died had I not furnished you with that particular snippet of information.
So, here are some pictures of how I'm doing; I hope I don't run out of steam, the damn this is going to be more than twice my height! I don't think I'll be repeating this project....
I've had great fun with my sister searching out some lovely colours for it -

I tried to match them as close as I could to the picture of the original, but I've found that it's only now as I knit them that I realise just how different they become. Not to worry, I think this has a lovely feel to it and I'm sure Phil will be pleased. If not there'll be trouble; this thing ain't exactly a quick-knit!

I'm off to get some more done. Keep knitting!

Kat :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And I love you for doing it! xx